Library Resources

EBSCO Resources

Explora Explora
Explora searches Canadian Reference Centre, Advanced Placement Source, Literary Reference Center, Canadian Points of View Reference Centre, History Reference Center and Science Reference Center all at once! Username and password are required from home

General Encyclopedias

 Funk & Wagnalls Reference information in English
Username and password are required from home
 Encyclopedia Reference information in English
Username and password are required from home

Des informations de consultation en français!
Nom d'usager et mot de passe obligatoires chez soi


Video and Music Streaming

 Learn 360 Feature films, documentary videos, images and articles
Username and password are always required

Streaming of mostly classical music, with some folk, jazz, blues and world music
Username and password are always required
 Teen Health & Wellness

Health encyclopedia
Username and password are always required

General Periodical Databases

 Canadian Refence Centre Canadian Reference Centre
Newspaper, magazine, journal and reference book articles. Username and password are required from home
 Advanced Placement Source

Advanced Placement Source
Academic journal and reference book articles. Username and password are required from home

Specialized Encyclopedias and Databases

 Science Reference Center Newspaper, magazine, journal and reference book articles on scientific topics
Username and password are required from home
 History Newspaper, magazine, journal and reference book articles on historical topics
Username and password are required from home
Canadian Points of View Arguments, counter-arguments and extensive references on Canadian issues
Username and password are required from home
 Literary Literary journal and magazine articles
Username and password are required from home
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